Verbeter jou veiligheid met hierdie wenke

Veiligheid op landbougrond was die afgelope tyd onder die vergrootglas en met goeie rede! Met die feestyd op hande, moet boere en plaasbewoners ekstra paraatheid aan die dag lê.

Volgens dr Jane Buys, Veiligheidsrisiko-analis van Vrystaat Landbou (VL), is dit krities belangrik dat landbouers hul paraatheid moet opskerp, waarneem wat om hulle aangaan en geen verdagte aktiwiteite of beweging gering ag nie. Dit is ook belangrik dat enige inligting oor moontlike misdade aan plaaslike veiligheidsverteenwoordigers deurgegee word, sodat dit voorkom kan word.

Dit is van die veiligheidswenke waarop landbouers kan ag slaan om beter veiligheid op landbougrond te verseker.

Buys noem verder dat goeie verhoudinge tussen alle belanghebbendes noodsaaklik is. “Dit sluit verhoudinge tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (RS koördineerder en stasiebevelvoerder), landbougemeenskappe, bure, werkers en bewoners op plase of kleinhoewes in,” sê sy.

Alarm- en kamerastelsels speel ook ’n belangrike rol in die voorkoming van misdaad op plase en die verbetering van landelike veiligheid.

Verder, beveel Buys aan dat kommunikasienetwerke in plek moet wees sodat hulp ontbied kan word in ’n noodsituasie. “Landbouers moet byvoorbeeld ingeskakel wees by ’n radionetwerk en ’n addisionele selfoon of tablet in die huis hê wat gelaai en weggesteek is. Ander voorbeelde is die gebruik van ’n toepassing vir monitering soos deur Fidelity ADT of ander sekuriteitsmaatskappy in jou gebied,” sê Buys.

Volgens haar is dit ook belangrik dat landbouers betrokke en ingeskakel sal wees by veiligheidstrukture of netwerke binne die Landelike Beveiligingstrategie in hul omgewing. “Jy moet weet wie om te kontak en wie jou seksieleier in die gebied is, asook inligting oor die plaaswag”.

Inligting moet op gereelde grondslag deurgegee word om kriminele aktiwiteite hok te slaan. Buys sê dit sluit verdagte mense of voertuie in wat in jou area opgemerk word.

Behoorlike toegangsbeheer van werkers en bewoners na en van plase moet ook deur landbouers gedoen word. “Indien daar enige gaste is, maak hul deel van jou eie gebeurlikheidsplan, sodat hulle weet hoe om op te tree indien ’n aanval plaasvind.”

Laastens, noem Buys dat hoë bome, struike en digte beddings rondom die eiendom aan kriminele goeie skuiling bied. Hekke en toegangsroetes wat deur digte bome, bosse, struike en blomme verberg word maak dit vir kriminele moontlik om daaragter te skuil sonder om gesien te word.

Improve your safety with these tips

Safety on agricultural land has been under the magnifying glass lately and with good reason! With the festive season upon us, farmers and farm dwellers need to show extra vigilance.

According to Dr Jane Buys, Safety Risk Analyst at Free State Agriculture (FSA), it is critically important that farmers sharpen their vigilance, observe what is going on around them and do not underestimate any suspicious activity or movement. It is also important that any information about possible crimes is passed on to local safety representatives so that it can be prevented.

These are some of the safety tips that farmers can heed to ensure better safety on agricultural land.

Buys further mentions that good relations between all stakeholders are essential. “This includes relations between the South African Police Service (RS coordinator and station commander), agricultural communities, neighbours, workers and residents on farms or smallholdings,” she says.

Alarm and camera systems also play an important role in preventing crime on farms and improving rural security.

Furthermore, communication networks must also be in place so that help can be called in case of an emergency. “Farmers, for example, must be connected to a radio network and have an additional cell phone or tablet in the house that has been charged and hidden. Other examples are the use of an application for monitoring such as by Fidelity ADT or another security company in your area,” says Buys.

According to her, it is also important that farmers are involved in safety structures or networks within the Rural Safety Strategy in their area. “You need to know who to contact and who your section leader is in the area, as well as information about the farm guard”.

Information must be communicated on a regular basis to curb criminal activities. Buys says it includes suspicious people or vehicles spotted in your area.

Proper access control of workers and residents to and from farms must also be done by farmers. “If there are any guests, make them part of your own contingency plan so they know how to act if an attack occurs.”

Finally, Buys mentions that tall trees, shrubs and dense beds around the property provide criminally good shelter. Gates and access routes hidden by dense trees, bushes, shrubs and flowers make it possible for criminals to hide behind them without being seen.

Sien ook:

Rural Safety and Preventing Stock Theft

Posted on by jonckie

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