Vrystaat Landbou betreur Koffiefontein voorval waarin landbouers, polisielid dood is

Vrystaat Landbou (VL) betreur die tragiese voorval waarin twee landbouers en ’n polisieman op 10 Januarie 2019 naby Koffiefontein dood en ’n ander polisieman gewond is. Hy betreur ook die soort optrede waar ’n landbouer verantwoordelik is vir die dood van ’n mede-landbouer, asook ’n polisiebeampte. Só sê Tommie Esterhuyse, Vise-president van VL.

Volgens Esterhuyse spreek VL ook sy innige simpatie uit teenoor die families van die slagoffers en wens hy hulle alle sterkte toe in die moeilike tyd wat voorlê.

“Daar is jarelange goeie samewerking en ’n verhouding tussen landbouers en die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) binne die raamwerk van die Landelike Beveiligingstrategie  en die tragedie word deur Vrystaat Landbou betreur,” sê hy. “Dit is bitter sleg dat ons moet afskeid neem van twee landbouers, asook ’n polisielid, wie dood is en dat ’n ander polisielid in die gesig gewond is toe hulle hul daaglikse diens verrig het.”

Paul Nel (60), wat ’n lid van VL was, is deur sy buurman Coenie Badenhorst (36) doodgeskiet, waarna die SAPD op die toneel opgedaag het. ’n Skietery het tussen Badenhorst en die polisie ontstaan.

Ter ondersteuning van die SAPD, het landbouers die Landelike Beveiligingsplan geaktiveer, is daar vinnig en professioneel deur hulle opgetree en is daar ook deur Badenhorst skote op die landbouers gevuur. Badenhorst is gewond en later oorlede, terwyl konst. Vuyani March (27) op die toneel gesterf het. Sers. George Calvert (41) is gewond en na ’n hospitaal in Kimberley geneem.

Esterhuyse sê na wat verneem word was daar konflik tussen Badenhorst en Nel. “Dit is jammer dat so iets moes gebeur en ’n mens moet eerder binne strukture optree. ’n Tragedie soos dié beklemtoon die verhouding tussen die SAPD en landbouers wat daartoe kan bydra dat konflik eerder voortydig aangespreek kan word om lewensverlies te voorkom.”

Esterhuyse het Lt. genl. Moeketsi Sempe, provinsiale polisiekommissaris, en sy span bedank vir hul ondersteuning tydens die voorval, veral in die lig daarvan dat daar ook gedurende 2017 twee polisiebeamptes, in die uitvoering van hul pligte, hul lewens in Koffiefontein verloor het.

Free State Agriculture saddened by Koffiefontein incident in which farmers, police officer died

Free State Agriculture (FSA) is saddened by the tragic incident in which two farmers and a policeman died, and another policeman was wounded, near Koffiefontein on 10 January 2019. It also mourns the type of action where a farmer is responsible for the death of a fellow farmer, as well as a police officer. This is according to Tommie Esterhuyse, Vice President of FSA.

Esterhuyse says FSA also expresses its deepest sympathy towards the families of the victims and wishes them all the best in the difficult time ahead.

“For many years, there has been good cooperation and a relationship between farmers and the South African Police Service (SAPS) within the framework of the Rural Safety Strategy and Free State Agriculture is saddened by the tragedy,” he says. “It is very sad that we have to say goodbye to two farmers, as well as a police officer, who died and that another police officer was wounded while doing their daily service.”

Paul Nel (60), who was a member of FSA, was shot dead by his neighbour, Coenie Badenhorst (36), after which the SAPS arrived on the scene. A shooting occurred between Badenhorst and the police.

In support of the SAPS, farmers activated the Rural Safety Plan, acted quickly and professionally and Badenhorst also fired shots at the farmers. Badenhorst was wounded and died later. Cst. Vuyani March (27) died on the scene. Sgt. George Calvert (41) was wounded and taken to a hospital in Kimberley.

Esterhuyse says apparently there was a conflict between Badenhorst and Nel. “It is a pity that such a thing had to happen and one should rather act within structures. A tragedy like this emphasizes the relationship between the SAPS and farmers which can help to address conflict earlier before it leads to a loss of life.”

Esterhuyse thanked Lt. Genl. Moeketsi Sempe, Provincial Police Commissioner, and his team for their support during the incident, especially in light of the fact that two police officers, while carrying out their duties, also lost their lives in Koffiefontein during 2017.

Posted on by jonckie

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