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SONA: Vrystaat Landbou – Ons het beleidsekerheid en goeie bestuur nodig!

Vrystaat Landbou (VL) beskou die komende staatsrede (SONA) as ‘n geleentheid vir die regering om sy beleide en doelstellings te herbelyn met dit wat landbou en die breër ekonomie nodig het om te herstel en werk vir almal te skep. Slegte beleid soos onteiening sonder vergoeding (OSV) is ‘n groot struikelblok in ons land se pad vir ekonomiese groei en moet gestaak word.

“Indien pres. Ramaphosa sy regering na verantwoordelike beleide kan rig, sal ons sien dat sakevertroue herstel. Ons hoop op beleid wat eiendomsreg sal versterk om alle boere en Suid-Afrikaners se daaglikse besigheid ondersteun. Ons kan nie net hierop hoop nie, maar ons, die landbougemeenskap as boere en werkers, werk reeds aktief hiertoe.” het Francois Wilken, president van Vrystaat Landbou, gesê.

Ware ekonomiese vryheid behels om oor die reg te beskik waar privaat eiendom besit, ontwikkel en beloon kan word en deur produktiwiteit ontsluit word. Onteiening sonder vergoeding van hierdie eiendom ontneem ekonomiese vryheid.

President Ramaphosa het tydens die 2020 SONA aan Suid-Afrikaners belowe dat sy regering ons inherente reg op menswaardigheid sal beskerm. In dieselfde afdeling het die president die landbousektor as een van die bedrywe met die grootste potensiaal vir groei geïdentifiseer.

Die SONA-opmerkings in 2020 staan in kontras met die regering se optrede. Onteiening sonder vergoeding is ‘n sentrale agenda van die regering gemaak om artikel 25 van die Grondwet te wysig en ‘n Onteieningswetsontwerp ter tafel te lê waarvolgens onteiening van grond sonder vergoeding toelaatbaar is. Gesprekke oor grondwet- en wetsontwerpwysigings wat onteiening van eiendom sonder vergoeding moontlik maak, het vrees geskep en beleggers weggejaag omdat dit inbreuk maak op die basiese reg om privaat eiendom te besit en te ontwikkel. Dit beroof ons landsburgers van die “inherente reg op menswaardigheid”.

Vrystaat Landbou het onsuksesvolle beloftes geïdentifiseer waarop verbetering gesien wil word:

1. “Waterverbruiklisensies word nou binne 90 dae uitgereik” – dit is nie bereik nie.
2. “Belegging en groei vereis ‘n veilige, stabiele en misdaadvrye omgewing” – Die regering is sentraal in ons land se misdaad en onveilige omgewing met beleidsonsekerheid.
3. “Polisie sigbaarheid, doeltreffende opleiding en beter hulpbronne vir polisiekantore is ons prioriteite.” – Dit was nie die geval vir die grootste deel van Suid-Afrika nie, veral die Vrystaat, waar die tragiese moord op Brendon Horner polisiebeamptes by veediefstalsindikate impliseer en landelike moord en misdaad toegeneem het!
4. “Ons sal nie teleurstel in die stryd teen korrupsie en staatskaping nie.” – Ons kan nie meer verskil met die algemene siening dat die regering en die ANC sy geloofwaardigheid verloor het nie. Ons het min vertroue in die regering deur ons eie ervaring en weens feite wat deur die staatskapingskommissie bekend gemaak word.
5. “Die implementeringspan van die infrastruktuurfonds het die lys met graafklaar projekte afgehandel” – dit het geen effek gehad op die skokkende toestand van paaie-infrastruktuur in die Vrystaat nie.
6. “Die distriksontwikkelingsmodel is effektief gebruik om onwettige stortingsterreine skoon te maak, pompstasies op te knap om rioolstorting in die strate te stop, paaie te bou en waterpype aan te lê en water en toilette aan plaaslike skole te voorsien.” – Dit was nie deursigtig nie, en ons weet nie of dit ook ‘n vrugtelose en verkwistende uitgawe is nie.

“Ongelukkig toon die geskiedenis dat politici hierdie leë beloftes maak en dat die ‘wenslys’ slegs ʼn poging is om die massas se ontevredenheid te herlei. Ons kan waarskynlik meer van dieselfde verwag met die naderende verkiesing en die feit dat die ANC dieper in sy eie interne dilemma verval terwyl die res van die land leierloos en rigtingloos gelaat word.” sê Wilken.

Vrystaat Landbou hoop van harte dat die president hierdie kwessies oortuigend kan aanspreek, “anders is dit tyd dat die publiek van Suid-Afrika verder verenig om plaaslike beheer oor ons eie kiesafdelings te neem en ‘n verskil in ons eie gemeenskappe te maak in plaas daarvan om op ‘n mislukte regering te vertrou.”

Free State Agriculture – We need policy certainty and good governance!

Free State Agriculture (FSA) views the coming State of the Nation Address (SONA) as an opportunity for government to realign its policy and objectives with what agriculture and the broader economy requires to rebuild South Africa and create jobs for all. Bad policy such as expropriation without compensation (EWC) is a huge hurdle in our country’s path towards economic growth and must be stopped.

“If Pres. Ramaphosa can turn his government towards responsible policies we will see business confidence recover. We hope for policies that will strengthen property rights and support all farmers and South Africans in their day to day business. We cannot only hope for this, but we, farmers and workers, are actively working towards this”, said Francois Wilken, President of Free State Agriculture.

Real economic freedom entails the right to be able to own property privately and develop it and be rewarded by the productivity unlocked from this property through private ownership and not be deprived of this developed property without compensation, deprived of the fruit of your labour, whether buildings, irrigation systems or restoring barren land to productive land for example.

During the 2020 SONA, President Ramaphosa promised South Africans his government will protect our “inalienable right to human dignity”. In the same section the president acknowledges agriculture as one of the industries with the greatest potential for growth.

The 2020 SONA remarks stand in contrast to government actions. EWC has been made a central agenda of government to amend section 25 of the Constitution and table an Expropriation Bill under which expropriation of land without compensation would be permissible. Talks of Constitutional- and Bill- amendments making Expropriating of property without compensation possible does create fear and drives away investors as it infringes on the basic right to own and develop one’s own private property, robbing our citizens of this “inalienable right to human dignity”.

FSA list undelivered SONA promises that we have to see improved:

1. “Water use licences are now issued within 90 days” – this has not been achieved.
2. “Investment and growth require a safe, stable and crime-free environment” – Government is central to our countries’ lawlessness and unsafe environment in creating policy uncertainty.
3. “Police visibility, effective training and better resourcing of police stations are our priorities.” – this has not been the case for the most parts of South Africa and in particular the Free State where the tragic Brendon Horner murder implicated police officers in stock theft syndicates and where rural murder and crime has increased!
4. “We will not let up in the fight against corruption and state capture.” – We can no longer disagree with the general view that the government and the ANC have lost their credibility. We have little trust left in government through our own experience and of facts being revealed by the state capture commission.
5. “The Infrastructure Fund implementation team has finalised the list of shovel-ready projects” – this has not had any effect on our shocking state of rural roads infrastructure in the Free State.
6. “The District Development Model was effectively utilised to clear illegal dumping sites, refurbish pump stations to stop sewage spilling in the streets, build roads and lay water pipes, and provide water and toilets to local schools.” – This has not been transparent, and we do not know if this is also a fruitless and wasteful expenditure as we don’t see any results.

Sadly the track record of politicians shows that all these promises are political “sweet talk” and wish lists to appease the electorate! Are we to expect much more of the same as elections come closer and the ANC falls deeper into its own internal dilemma leaving the rest of SA leaderless and directionless!?

Free State Agriculture sincerely hopes that the President can convincingly address these issues, otherwise it’s time that the citizens of SA further unite to take over local control of our own constituencies and make a difference in our own communities instead of relying on a failed government.

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