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Senekal-gebeure is gevolg van frustrasies en stryd teen misdaad

Die gebeure in Senekal op 6 Oktober 2020, is die gevolg van frustrasies en die letterlike oorkook van emosies van landbouers en die breë gemeenskap se stryd teen misdaad wat soos ‘n kanker onder die landbousektor en breë gemeenskap vreet. Landbouers, werknemers, vroue en kinders word blootgestel aan daaglikse brutale moorde en ernstige geweldsmisdade wat plaasaanvalle insluit, terwyl die algemene persepsie bestaan dat die regering hom eerder ophou met politieke ideologieë as om na die welstand van die land se bevolking om te sien en kosvoorsieners as ‘n prioriteit te ag.

Die situasie is besig om breekpunt te bereik en die regering sal daadwerklik iets omtrent die misdaadsituasie in gemeenskappe en veral in die landelike gebiede moet doen. Vir te lank is die landbousektor en die gemeenskappe gepaai met allerhande verskonings en ontkennings van die slagting wat ook onder swart gemeenskappe plaasvind en dit blyk of die damwal besig is om mee te gee. Dit ten spyte van vele waarskuwings oor die erns van die situasie vanaf Vrystaat Landbou (VL) asook ander landbou- en burgerregte organisasies.

Opgehoopte frustrasies lei daartoe dat sekere mense reg in eie hande neem en ’n soort vigilante optrede na vore kom, soos wat vandag in Senekal plaasgevind het.

Vrystaat Landbou ondersteun alle pogings om die veiligheid van ons landbouers, werknemers en beide se families te verbeter en sal voortgaan om pogings en inisiatiewe wat dit ten doel het uit te brei en deur te sien in ’n handevat poging met ander rolspelers wat dieselfde doelstellings nastreef.

Statistieke wat betref plaasaanvalle en –moorde, toon dat Paul Roux oor die afgelope vier finansiële jare, drie insidente en Senekal een gehad het waar landbouers en werknemers slagoffers was. ‘n Totaal van 227 insidente is vir die tydperk in die provinsie aangeteken.

Wat betref veediefstal, toon statistieke vir die 2019/2020 periode in vergelyking met die vorige finansiële jaar ’n styging van 16.3% in Senekal en in Paul Roux ‘n styging van 56.4%.

VL doen weer ‘n ernstige beroep op die regering en die polisie om landelike gebiede as prioriteit te beskou in dienslewering, veral ten opsigte van hoër sigbaarheid, ondersoek van misdaad ten opsigte van veral veediefstal, asook die nodige intelligensie-strukture, ten einde veiliger en volhoubare gemeenskappe daar te stel.

Senekal events are cause of frustration due to crime

Events in Senekal on 6 October 2020 are the result of frustrations and the literal boiling over of emotions of farmers and the wider community’s fight against crime that is eating away like a cancer among the agricultural sector and wider community. Farmers, workers, women and children are exposed to brutal killings and serious violent crimes – that include farm attacks –  on a daily basis, while the general perception is that the government is abandoning political ideologies rather than looking after the well-being of the country’s population and food suppliers as a priority.

The situation is reaching a breaking point and the government will earnestly have to do something about the crime situation in communities and especially in the rural areas. For too long, the agricultural sector and the communities have been appeased with all sorts of excuses and denials of the slaughter that is also taking place among black communities and it seems as if the dam wall is giving way. This despite many warnings about the seriousness of the situation from Free State Agriculture (FSA) as well as other agricultural and civil rights organizations.

Accumulated frustrations leads to certain people taking matters into their own hands and a kind of vigilantism emerges, as took place in Senekal today.

Free State Agriculture supports all efforts to improve the safety of our farmers, employees and both their families and will continue to expand and see through efforts and initiatives aimed at this in a hands-on effort with other role players who pursue the same goals.

Statistics regarding farm attacks and murders show that over the past 4 financial years, Paul Roux has had 3 incidents and Senekal 1 where farmers and employees were victims. A total of 227 incidents was reported in the province over the period.

In terms of stock theft, statistics for the 2019/2020 period compared to the previous financial year show an increase of 16.3% in Senekal and in Paul Roux an increase of 56.4%.

FSA once again calls on the government and the police to consider rural areas as a priority in service delivery especially with regard to higher visibility investigation of especially stock theft crimes, as well as the necessary intelligence structures in order to create safer and sustainable communities.

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