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Vrystaat Landbou veroordeel Pres Ramaphosa se kommentaar oor geen plaasmoorde

Dit is met groot teleurstelling dat Vrystaat Landbou (VL) verneem het van die stellings gemaak deur mnr Cyril Ramaphosa tydens ‘n onderhoud op Bloomberg Global Business Forum tydens sy onlangse besoek aan die Verenigde Nasies in New York.

Mnr Ramaphosa word aangehaal: “There are no killings of white farmers in South Africa… there are no land grabs in South Africa” en ook “land is the original sin in the history of South Africa” met verwysing dat die grondkwessie honderde jare gelede verkeerd hanteer is en gebalanseer moet word.

Dit is ontstellend dat Mnr Ramaphosa sy woorde ook so gekies het om te beklemtoon dat President Donald Trump van Amerika verkeerd ingelig is oor wat in die ‘Trump Tweet’ genoem is.

Agri SA se misdaadstatistieke dui aan dat kommersiële landbouers misdaadverwante verliese van R7,7 miljard gely het, weens onder andere:

Lewende hawe – 39.74%
Infrastruktuur – 37.21%
Plaasimplemente/gereedskap – 34.74%
Wilddiefstal en onwettige jag – 28.51%
Roof – 25.05%

Die syfers rondom plaasaanvalle spreek egter ook boekdele. Hoewel die geweldsmisdaad met roof bo-aan die lys is, word dit gevolg deur aanranding (5.7%), poging tot moord (1.3%) en moord (1%). VL noem dat dit ook noodsaaklik is om kennis te neem dat daar jaarliks in Suid-Afrika ongeveer 19 000 moorde in geheel plaasvind.

Dit is ontstellend om te hoor dat Pres. Ramaphosa ontken dat daar plaasmoorde en grondbesettings in Suid-Afrika voorkom.

Plaasmoord-statistiek in Suid-Afrika wat vroeër in die Parlement bekend gemaak is, lui as volg:

2015/16 – 19 moorde + 446 plaasaanvalle
2016/17 – 66 moorde + 478 plaasaanvalle
2017/18 – 62 moorde + 561 huidig ongeverifieërde aanvalle

VL dring daarop aan dat Pres. Ramaphosa die feite korrek weergee, aangesien die kommentaar soos genoem en feite wat wêreldwyd bekend is en deur sy eie regering bevestig is, die President se eie geloofwaardigheid op die spel plaas.

Die ekonomie van die land gaan reeds gebuk onder swak investering vanuit die buiteland as gevolg van aanvalle en moorde op plase en dit is duidelik deur Vrystaat Landbou so oorgedra tydens onlangse gesprekvoering met verskeie ambassadeurs uit Europa en Amerika. Vals uitlatings deur die President skaad die vertroue wat georganiseerde landbou in die President moet hê.

Gesprekke met die regering om volhoubare en suksesvolle oplossings vir landbou te vind kan net steun op akkurate statistieke en Vrystaat Landbou beywer hom tot positiewe uitkomste vir ons lede.


It is with great disappointment that Free State Agriculture (FSA) has taken note of the statements made by Mr Cyril Ramaphosa during an interview at with Bloomberg Global Business Forum during his recent visit to the United Nations in New York.

Mr Ramaphosa is quoted as saying: “There are no killings of white farmers in South Africa … there are no land grabs in South Africa” and also “land is the original sin in the history of South Africa” with reference that the land issue was handled incorrectly hundreds of years ago and must be balanced.

It is disturbing that Mr Ramaphosa also chose his words to emphasize that President Donald Trump of America was incorrectly informed about what was called in the ‘Trump Tweet’.

Agri SA’s crime statistics indicate that commercial farmers suffered crime-related losses of R7,7 billion due to:

Livestock – 39.74%
Infrastructure – 37.21%
Farm tools – 34.74%
Game theft and illegal hunting – 28.51%
Robbery – 25.05%

The figures around farm attacks, however, also speak loudly. Although violent crimes with robbery are at the top of the list, it is followed by assault (5.7%), attempted murder (1.3%) and murder (1%). FSA states that it is also necessary to note that about 19 000 murders take place in South Africa annually.

It is disturbing to hear that Pres. Ramaphosa denies that farm murders and land grabs occur in South Africa.

Farm murder statistics in South Africa were announced in Parliament earlier and are as follows:

2015/16 – 19 murders + 446 farm attacks
2016/17 – 66 murders + 478 farm attacks
2017/18 – 62 murders + 561 currently unverified attacks

FSA insists that Pres. Ramaphosa correctly reproduces the facts, as the comments as mentioned and facts known worldwide and confirmed by his own government puts the President’s credibility at stake.

The country’s economy is already suffering from poor foreign investment due to attacks and murders on farms, and this has been clearly stated by Free State Agriculture in recent talks with several ambassadors from Europe and America. False statements by the President only harm the confidence that organized agriculture must have in the him.

Conversations with government to find sustainable and successful solutions to agriculture can only support accurate statistics and Free State Agriculture endeavours to provide positive outcomes for our members.

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