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Vrystaat landbou stel standpunt oor grondkwessie

“Vrystaat Landbou (VL) wil dit duidelik stel dat dit uit gesprekke voortvloei dat ons lede en die toekoms van landbou ons hoogste prioriteit is. Dit is ook belangrik dat alle rolspelers binne landbou met mekaar in gesprek bly oor die uitdagings van die industrie, want hierdie uitdaging is nou groter as enige individu of organisasie,” het Francois Wilken, President van VL, gesê.

Dit is ook daarom wat VL op 4 September 2018 ’n spesiale vergadering van sy Uitvoerende Bestuur in Bloemfontein gehad en ook ’n oop en reguit gesprek met die leiers van Agri SA gevoer het. Volgens Wilken is knelpunte, onduidelikhede en konstruktiewe deelname aan die landbouproses met Dan Kriek, President van Agri SA, en Omri van Zyl, Uitvoerende Direkteur van Agri SA, bespreek, asook bekommernisse van VL se lede gedeel.

“Vrystaat Landbou is geaffilieer by Agri SA en VL het dit ook duidelik gestel dat sy standpunt ook deur Agri SA ingedra moet word waar gesprekke gevoer word,” het Gerhard Kriel, Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van VL, gesê. “Albei liggame hou mekaar ook verantwoordbaar vir standpunte gestel.”

Ooreenstemming oor grondkwessie

Wilken meen die partye dink dieselfde oor die grondkwessie. “VL en Agri SA was dit eens dat enige wysiging aan Artikel 25 van die Grondwet, asook enige onteiening sonder vergoeding, met alle middele tot ons beskikking teengestaan sal word,” het hy gesê. Dit beteken dat enige gesprekke wat gevoer of insette wat deur die twee partye gemaak word of waar ookal hulle toegang het, die geleentheid gebruik sal word om hierdie boodskap duidelik oor te dra.

“VL bly by sy standpunt dat hy deelneem aan enige gesprek met enigiemand wat konstruktief, feite gebasseer en ekonomies volhoubaar, binne die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet val, en ook die toekoms van landbou en voedselsekuriteit sal verseker,” het Wilken gesê.

VL se Uitvoerende Bestuur het ook onderwerpe soos die huidige onsekerheid in landbou en veral negatiewe en weersprekende uitsprake wat oral in die media, en veral op sosiale media gemaak word, intern bespreek.

Samesprekings met buitelandse diplomate

Volgens Kriel was lede van VL ook verlede week betrokke by gesprekke met buitelandse diplomate. “Dit sluit onder meer diplomate van Amerika, Argentinië, Denemarke, Frankryk, Switserland, Duitsland, Australië, Nederland en ’n ambassadeur van die Europese Unie in. Ons kommer is duidelik oorgedra wat betref plaasmoorde, plaasaanvalle en onwettige grond en plaasbesettings, asook die algemene veiligheid van produsente en hul werkers,” het hy gesê. “Onteiening sonder vergoeding is ook oorgedra en die risiko wat dit vir voedselsekuriteit en die ekonomie as geheel inhou.” Volgens hom is positiewe terugvoer hieroor ontvang.

Verder is kommer ook uitgespreek oor investering in landbou. Die ekonomie is in ’n tegniese resessie as gevolg van landbou, wat met 29.2% gekrimp het. “Dit is nou die tyd dat die regering die verantwoordelikheid besef dat beleidsonsekerheid en die grondkwessie groter prioriteit moet geniet as politieke opportunisme,” het Wilken gesê.

VL is ook bekommerd oor die persoonlike aanvalle, stellings en verkeerde feite wat op sosiale media versprei word. Dit dra geensins by tot konstruktiewe oop debatte om oplossings te vind nie. Die organisasie rig weer ’n ope uitnodiging aan enigiemand wat ’n konstruktiewe en volhoubare oplossing het om dit met hom te bespreek, sodat hy volhoubare langtermynoplossings kan vind.

FSA makes statement


“Free State Agriculture (FSA) wants to make it clear that as a result of discussions our members and the future of agriculture are our highest priority. It is also important that all role players in agriculture keep talking about the industry challenges, because this challenge is now greater than any individual or organization,” said Francois Wilken, President of FSA.

This is also why FSA’s Executive Management had a special meeting in Bloemfontein on 4 September 2018, which included an open and straightforward discussions with the leaders of Agri SA. According to Wilken, bottlenecks, uncertainties and constructive participation in the agricultural process were discussed with Dan Kriek, President of Agri SA, and Omri van Zyl, Executive Officer of Agri SA, as well as the concerns of FSA members.

“Free State Agriculture is affiliated with Agri SA and FSA has also made it clear that its position should be used by Agri SA when talks are being conducted,” said Gerhard Kriel, Chief Executive Officer of FSA. “Both bodies hold each other accountable for statements made.”


Consensus on land issue

Wilken said the parties think the same about the land issue. “FSA and Agri SA agreed that any amendment to Section 25 of the Constitution, as well as any expropriation without compensation, will be opposed with all resources to our disposal,” he said. This means that any conversation or input made by the two parties, or wherever they have access, will be used to convey this message clearly.

“FSA maintains that it participates in any conversation with anyone which is constructively, fact based and economically sustainable, within the current South African Constitution, and that will also ensure the future of agriculture and food security,” Wilken said.

FSA’s Executive Management also discussed topics such as current uncertainty in agriculture and especially negative and contradictory statements made throughout the media, and especially on social media.


Talks with foreign diplomats

According to Kriel, members of FSA were also involved in discussions with foreign diplomats last week. “This includes diplomats from America, Argentina, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, the Netherlands and an ambassador from the European Union. Our concerns have been clearly communicated with regard to farm murders, farm attacks and illegal land and farm occupations, as well as the general safety of producers and their workers,” he said. “Expropriation without compensation was also discussed and the risk it has for food security and the economy as a whole.” According to him, positive feedback was received.

Concerns were also expressed about the investment in agriculture. The economy is in a technical recession due to agriculture, which has shrunk by 29.2%. “Now is the time for government to realize that policy insecurity and the land issue must be given greater priority than political opportunism,” Wilken said.

FSA is also worried about personal attacks, statements and incorrect facts distributed on social media. This does not contribute to constructive open debates to find solutions. The organization again invites anyone who has a constructive and sustainable solution to discuss it with FSA so that it can find sustainable long-term solutions.

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