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Versigtig vir kriminele terwyl jy padfiets en bergfiets ry!

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Dit is nie net motoriste wat aangeval word deur kriminele nie maar ook diegene wat met hul bergfietse op die minder besige paaie ry vir oefening. ‘n Vriend in Johannesburg is op Nuwejaarsdag aangeval terwyl hy ry vir oefening. Was dit nie vir die geraas wat gemaak is deur vrouens vanaf ‘n plot in die omgewing nie was hierdie jong pa waarskynlik nie vandag hier om sy storie te vertel nie. Ons deel graag sy verhaal:

To all Mtb & Road cyclists – PLEASE WATCH YOUR BACK ALL THE TIME and be careful when you ride

This morning 01.01.2015 at around 8am VILLAGE RD.,BLUE HILLS ( next to R562) I was attacked by TWO BLACK GUYS.
They stole my bike – SPECIALIZED EPIC COMP 29″,Garmin GPS EDGE810 and all sensors that came with Garmin

Both of them had big knives.
One punched me on my face and started walking away with my bike.
Second guy wanted to take my cellphone that was in my back pocked.Told him that I will give it to him.Wouldn’t listen.wanted me to Lay on my stomach.He said he will take my cellphone himself out of my pocket and than HE WILL KILL ME.
Thanks to three Black ladies that live on the plot on Village Rd. I am still ALIVE
They made so much noise,screaming so loud that my attackers didn’t hurt me more.i needed 18 stitches to my face
Also big thanks to Andrew and his wife from the plot on Village Rd.

Those guys HAVE NO RESPECT FOR LIFE!Crazy!!!

What is happening to our beautiful South Africa?

Ride safe guys out there!!
I am so grateful to be Alive

Also view:

Mountain Bike Safety

Cycling Safety for South African Conditions

[Vanuit Road Safety Blog]

Ons wil graag anbeveel dat ons maar in groepe moet probeer ry. Dit is ongelukkig ‘n hartseer realitieit dat misdaad al meer voorkom en dat onsself daarby aanpassings moet maak om onsself te beveilig!

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